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Sprinkler System Repair – Do it Yourself Or Hire a Plumber

Sprinkler System Repair

You can save money on your property insurance if you know the basics of sprinkler system repair and how to fix it yourself. The most common sprinkler system repair includes replacing broken sprinkler heads or pipes. However, you should not overlook faulty controllers or a cracked pipe. These parts are not expensive, but they can lead to big problems and may be more costly to fix than a new system. Repairing your sprinkler system can cost anywhere from $75 to $250.

Sprinkler heads, also known as nozzles, are prone to breakage and cracking over time. You can easily spot cracked or broken sprinkler heads by their plastic casing. Others may even be completely broken off. This may happen if they are installed too high, or if they are mounted too low. In these cases, you must either replace them or dig them out. But before you go ahead and install new sprinkler heads, make sure to check the dirt and pipe connections.

You can also do sprinkler system repair yourself if you have some handy skills. Sprinkler system repair is easy for the average homeowner, and it can save you a lot of money in the long run. You can check the sprinkler heads for obstructions every few months, as this can extend the life of your sprinkler system. If you do decide to call a professional for help, you will need to be prepared to pay up to $75 per hour for the job.

Inspecting and testing sprinkler valves is crucial. If you notice a large pool of water on your lawn, your sprinkler system is likely faulty. It can also be caused by disconnected wires, which can cause problems with communication between the valve and the controller. Make sure to hire a professional to perform this task. It is important to know that faulty sprinkler valves can result in water shut-off. Therefore, if you find a leak, you should take action immediately.

In case your sprinkler system is above-ground, hiring a plumber will save you money. An above-ground sprinkler system repair can cost $50 to $350. A plumber will charge you an hourly rate of $60 to 90 per hour, while a plumbing contractor will charge by the quarter-hour. A plumber with knowledge of the sprinkler patterns, backflow prevention, local plumbing and electrical codes, and sprinkler repair will save you money.

For a minimal fee, a sprinkler system maintenance company will conduct regular inspections and checkups. Regular service visits will ensure that all system components are working properly and can prevent major issues from occurring. A prepaid sprinkler maintenance plan usually costs $175, and winterizing your system will cost about $50 to $150. If you don’t want to pay this much, you can opt for a yearly maintenance plan. And, while you’re at it, you should also prepare for the inevitable: snow and ice.

A sprinkler controller repair can cost around $75 to $175 per controller. A repair of this component is necessary if your sprinklers are running too long or at the wrong time. It can also require rewiring and new batteries. A sprinkler manifold repair may cost from $75 to $200 per manifold. Exposed sprinkler heads can crack and cause water to leak into the system, resulting in a problem that requires replacement.

A sprinkler head repair may cost anywhere from $50 to $85 for a single head. However, more extensive sprinkler system repairs may cost several hundred to thousand dollars. If you need to replace 10 sprinkler heads, you might want to consider a one-time fix or a one-time cleaning. However, if you need a sprinkler valve repaired, a plumber may charge anywhere from $125 to $900. But be sure to check the company’s price before hiring them to service your system.

Some sprinkler system repairs can cost as little as $100 to $350. Pipes that control the flow of water through the pipes and to the heads can be cracked or loose. A sprinkler valve repairman can tighten it and put plumber’s tape over the affected area. For heavier damage, however, it may be necessary to replace the sprinkler valve. The cost of a sprinkler valve repair depends on the severity of the damage and the type of pipe.